February 2021 Resolved Minutes
Minutes of Sibsey Parish Council Meeting remotely held Tuesday 2nd February 2021 commencing at 7.00pm
PRESENT: Cllr I Watts presiding as Chairman
Cllr J Ladds, Cllr J Adiotomre, Cllr A Heath, Cllr J Burkett and Cllr G Limb
ELDC Cllr N Jones (left at 7.41pm) LCC/ELDC Cllr T Ashton (left at 7.33pm)
PCSO T Keys (left at 7.19pm) Clerk - S Knowles
No members of the public had requested the link to attend the remote meeting.
All Parish Councillors were in attendance.
Cllr A Heath declared an interest in Item 6b on the agenda.
It was proposed by Cllr Ladds, seconded by Cllr Burkett, and resolved to accept these notes as a true and accurate record and thereby signed by the Clerk to later be countersigned by the Chairman.
PCSO Keys reported the following:
- Rubbish is being dumped near to the Dog Kennels at Stickney along with several areas along Hobhole Bank. She asked that if everyone could be vigilant and report anything if seen asap.
Cllr Watts said that there seems to be more serious crime in the village being reported lately along with an increase in Anti-Social Behaviour. PCSO Keys repied that the village is being patrolled regularly even though they may not be always seen to be. Unfortunately, she is unable to go into detail on any incidents other than to report the ones actually occurring.
She went on to report:
- Land Rovers and other 4x4s are being reported stolen within the area.
- Harecoursing is ongoing. Recently managed to stop suspicious vehicles but were only able to issue Covid notices as were unable to prove that this crime was being committed.
Cllr Heath asked if she was aware of any potential dog thefts in the area as something had been mentioned on "Next Door".
PCSO Keys said that she was not aware on anything as the police do not monitor this site. If any incident is occurring, they need to be informed of it directly in order to be able to do something.
Once restrictions are lifted the Police are hoping to come to the village for a Q&A session but if anyone does have any questions or queries in the meantime to not hesitate and contact her and she will reply as soon as possible. She also informed that hopefully in the near future be able to get out and about with the speed gun.
Cllr Burkett reported that late evenings youth's have been seen parked along Trader Bank towards Boston.
As per the Police.uk website, ten incidences were recorded up to the end of December 2020 which are as follows:
One incident of Anti-Social Behaviour has been reported on or near to Northlands Lane - No crime timeline details are available for anti-social behaviour.
One incident of Criminal Damage and Arson has been reported on or near to Goosemuck Lane - Investigation complete; no suspect identified. There was insufficinet evidence to bring anyone to justice at this time. The investigation may be reopened if more information becomes available.
Two incidents has been reported on or near to Main Road
1 x Anti-Social Behaviour - No crime timeline details are available for anti-social behaviour.
1 x Violence and Sexual Offence still under investigation.
One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence reported on or near to Page Close still under investigation.
One incident of Criminal Damage and Arson has been reported on or near to St Margaret's Drive still under investigation.
Three incidents have been reported on or near to Sargeants Close
2 x Anti-Social Behaviour - No crime timeline details are available for anti-social behaviour.
1 x Violence and Sexual Offence still under investigation.
One incident of Anti-Social Behaviour has been reported on or near to Lucan Close - No crime timeline details are available to anti-social behaviour.
LCC/ELDC Cllr Ashton reported the following:
- The Local Plan consultation will be circulating soon.
- Vaccination program ongoing therefore things are more optimistic.
- Household waste centres are open just need to book online to attend.
Cllr Watts asked have Highway response times been limited due to Covid. Cllr Ashton replied that emergency holes are being done as quickly as possible, though response times have slipped through but hopefully in Spring the winter issues will be rectified.
- LCC funding are still available for Community groups in need of support adapting and changing due to Covid.
Cllr Watts informed that Sibsey Primary School are doing a project in conjunction with Centrepoint is funding available to help with this? Cllr Ashton said to go to the LCC website and follow the process and once done to inform him to get it approved.
- £650m has been awarded for education in Lincolnshire. Which will see an increase of £34,000 for Primary Schools and £110,000 for Secondary Schools. Though this is a little better than what was expected it is not in conjuction throughout the country.
- Commencing on the 15h February 2021 for ten months improvements will be onging at Holdingham roundabout.
ELDC Cllr Jones reported the following:
- Waste collections have changed for the forthcoming week due to refuse collectors have to isolate last month.
- Two penalties of £400 for fly tipping within the region.
- Anyone in the relevant age group who is housebound and have not had the vaccination should inform their GP so that they can get a home visit immunised.
Cllr Ladds asked which authority is responsible for clearing dykes. Cllr Jones replied that Highways or Drainage Board but also landowners, but it is not usually dealt with prominently by either party.
- An update has been received in relation to reducing the speed limit along the A16 in co-habitation with Fishtoft Parish Council. LCC say that previously this area has been assessed to the south of Sibsey around the level crossing but no policy criteria in reducing the limit were met. As some time has now passed since then, this section will be reassessed to include Hilldyke of which the result will be forwarded to us in due course.
- The government are not currently planning to extend the remote meeting regulations beyond 7th May 2021. However, NALC along with Local Government Bodies are continuing to press for an extension due to the uncertainty of the current circumstances.
- Mr Czajkowski who services the church clock has replied to the information request in additional work required to be done. He says, "He would need a ladder to be positioned in the middle of the room so he could access the upper pulleys as well as keys to both the middle room and to where the bells are hung at a cost of £50, in which this work would not need to be done for an additional 5 years". Additionally, he says "It is more difficult to give an estimate to repair the maintaining power lever until he has taken it off to see why it is loose. It could be that it needs re-pinning. As this job needs to be done on site the cost for this would be an estimated £180-£250, however, if it is something that is more excessive until he has seen the power lever directly, he is unable to quote".
Cllr Ladds informed that the 50mph speed limit has now officially been extended along Station Road.
a. Financial Report
Since the last meeting £1212.02 has been credited to the Treasury Account (£1165 in association with Burial Ground Fees and £47.02 relating to miscellaneous costs), additionally the following payment had been made:
Payee |
Reason for payment |
Amount |
Via |
S Knowles |
Clerk’s Salary |
£1352.00 |
Bank Transfer |
b. To approve payments
Payee |
Reason for payment |
Amount |
ST Portess & Son |
Hire of safety fencing re Stockhill |
£95.04 |
S Knowles |
Clerk’s Expenses |
£235.11 |
A Heath |
Reimbursement for Cable Ties |
£25.29 |
It was proposed by Cllr Limb, seconded by Cllr Watts and resolved that these payments should be made preferebly by Bank Transfer.
a. Discuss all planning applications currently being reviewed for consultation
One planning application has been received since the last meeting. S/152/02203/20 - Erection of a building to be used for tractor storage and workshop - Trader Lodge, Trader Bank, Sibsey. The previous application S/152/01918/20 associated with whether or not prior approval was required for its siting, design and external appearance needed to be determined. The Sibsey Parish Council Planning Forum replied that this application should have had prior planning permission as the appearance and design of the property seems substandard.
b. Discuss other planning matters
There were no other planning matters to discuss.
c. Report on any information received regarding Planning Applications
- Planning application S/152/01762/20 - Extension to existing dwelling to provide a kitchen/dining room, a lounge and a bedroom with en-suite has been withdrawn.
- Full planning permission has been granted for the rear extension to an existing bungalow to provide a kitchen/diner, bathroom and an en-suite on the site of existing conservatory which is to be demolished - Cumberlands, 14 Littlemoor Lane, Sibsey.
a. Main Road Sewers/Drainage
Cllr Heath reported that the sewage pipeline running along Main Road is crumbling and collapsing. It is not fit for purpose and affecting several properties in the area as they are not able to use the facilities within the household and with sewage ending up in gardens of the surrounding homes.
b. Fencing around Duck Pond
The railing owned by LCC that surrounds the Duck Pond in Chapel Lane is crumbling. Under public safety it needs renovating at the earliest convenience.
a. Burial Ground
i. Maintenance with the Burial Ground
All the fallen debris needs removing from the site. Additionally, so does wreaths that had been laid at the memorials up to Christmas.
There also seems to be a lot of transgressional of the rules in association with the items that are left at the memorials.
b. Bus Shelters
Cllr Watts conveyed that he has spoken with the Insurer company and have arranged to meet onsite at the bus shelter.
c. Village maintenance
The following were reported:
- The east side of the A16 near to Pymoor Lane is collapsing.
- A settee has been dumped in the dyke near to Sewage Farm.
- The verges along Frithville Road between the footpaths and the roadside are being chewed up by vehicles parking on them.
- Noticeboards are getting rather shabby and are getting hard to open and once opened the gas struts have gone stopping the doors to remain open.
- The bin near to the football field adjacent to Amos Way Play Area has it's lid still missing. It is totally full and unsure when it was last emptied.
- Several items have been left outside the Heart Foundation Clothes bank and is causing quite a mess causing concern.
d. Play Areas
The maintenance work of the play equipment in Amos Way Play Area has now been completed.
Concern was raised in regard to the maintenance work that had to be done on the low-level roundabout. As this was sunken into the ground there should not have been early issues with this as a respectfully surely a survey would have been done assessing the area before it's installation.
e. Pymoor Lane
John Woulds is still waiting on the information requested from the solicitors.
f. Dog waste bin at Northlands
The respective form has been completed and this may incur a charge when submitted.
g. Digital Mapping for Local Councils
It is believed that this would be something worth pursuing in the future for helping with relevant information.
h. Correspondence received
The following correspondence had been received:
- Email from ELDC in association with changes to Bin Collections due to Covid 19.
- ELDC Town & Parish January 2021 e-news.
- ELDC January 2021 e-messenger.
- LCC Town & Parish Council January 2021 newsletter update.
- LALC News - 5th January, 18th January and 1st February 2021.
Cllr Watts informed that he had received a letter from the Primary School asking about the project that they are working on in conjunction with Centrepoint to have a locker in a suitable location for essentials to be left for those vulnerable within the village.
Cllr Heath reported that some potholes had recently been filled in within the village, however, instead of being done appropriately these were being patted in by hand.
Cllr Watts asked about the wellbeing of Mr Ladds following his accident and to wish him a healthy recovery.
The date of the next Parish Council meeting as previously scheduled to be held remotely is on Tuesday 2nd March 2021.
There being no further business the meeting finished at 8.55pm.