
Welcome to Sibsey Parish Council

Sibsey Parish Council meets at 7pm on the FIRST TUESDAY of every month (except August) - see agenda for location

All members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings which begin with an opportunity for any questions or views to be put to the Council.

The agenda for forthcoming meetings, as well as the venue and start time are displayed on the Parish notice boards. These can be found either next to the Post Office on the corner of Frithville Road and the A16, or situated at Sibsey Northlands near to the post box.  Additionally the information can be found on this website.


Parish Councillors

Chairman                    Ian Watts

Vice Chairman           Gary Limb

                                    John Adiotomre, Steven Barker, Bill Carney, Andrew Heath, Joy Ladds 


There are currently three vacancies on the Parish Council

If you are interested or would like to know more about becoming a Parish Councillor please contact the clerk or see the link Becoming a Parish Councillor



Future Parish Council Meetings

Residents, Public and Press and Welcome to Attend Parish Council Meetings

Below are the dates of the future Sibsey Parish Council meetings


7th January 2025   Cancelled               4th February 2025               

4th March 2025                                     1st April 2025                                       

6th May 2025                                        3rd June 2025

1st July 2025                                         2nd September 2025           

7th October 2025                                  4th November 2025

2nd December 2025