October 2024 Resolved Minutes

Minutes of Sibsey Parish Council Meeting held Tuesday 1st October 2024 at Northlands Village Hall, Northlands, Sibsey commencing at 7.00pm

PRESENT:    Cllr I Watts presiding as Chairman 
Cllr G Limb         Cllr A Heath        Cllr J Ladds    
Cllr S Barker        Cllr B Carney  (arrived at 7.21pm)
Cllr J Adiotomre (arrived at 7.26pm)
ELDC Cllr N Jones (left at 7.23pm)
Clerk – S Knowles

There was one member of the public present of which the following questions/short statements were presented to the Parish Council during the time allocated:
•    Invitation to the Remembrance Sunday Service on 10th November 2024
•    The Diocese Facility have given permission for a new noticeboard at the church

At the start of the meeting no apologies were given by Cllr Carney of which the Parish Councillors asked the clerk to enquire to see if he was all right. 
Cllr Aditomre had informed that he would be attending the meeting but would be late due to work commitments.

Cllr Heath declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 6b on the agenda. There were no other declarations of interest given.

It was proposed by Cllr Limb, seconded by Cllr Watts and resolved to accept these notes as a true and accurate record and thereby signed by the Chairman.

Cllr Jones relayed the following:
•    ELDC have a new Investment Fund available. It would be nice to see a rural community apply.
•    The three lead authorities - Northeast and North Lincolnshire unitary councils, and Lincolnshire County Council, will now complete the arrangements to form the Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority with a mayoral election scheduled for May 2025 along with the County Councillor Elections.

During July 2024 seven incidents were reported on the Police.uk website
One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to Northlands Lane - Still under investigation
One incident of Anti-social behaviour was reported on or near to Goosemuck Lane

One incident of Anti-social behaviour was reported on or near to Meyers Close

One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to Grange Meadows - Still under investigation

One incident of Anti-social behaviour was reported on or near to Besant Close

One incident of other theft was reported on or near to Station Road – Still under investigation

One incident of Vehicle Crime was reported on or near to High Ferry Lane - Investigation Complete, no suspect identified

There was no information to report.

a.    Financial Report

Since the last meeting £50,450.49 has been credited to the Treasury Account (£50,000 for second half of Precept from ELDC, £425 for Ground Maintenance Fees and £25.49 for reimbursement of Printer Ink from clerk’s other Parish Councils).

b.    To approve payments


Reason for payment


Payment method

PKF Littlejohn LLP

External Auditor Fee


Bank transfer


Picnic Bench


Bank transfer

A Heath

Fixings for Play Area Signs


Bank transfer

S Knowles

Clerk’s Reimbursements


Bank transfer

It was proposed by Cllr Limb, seconded by Cllr Heath and resolved that these payments should be made.

Invoices had been received from the company requesting 50% of payment up front before the new noticeboards would be delivered. Artwork in association needed to be approved prior to this. It was not approved to make this payment.

a.    Pymoor Lane

i)    Quotes relating to work on building
One quote has been received for work to be done on the building. A meeting with an additional builder is set for an additional comparison quote before a decision is made.

Following inspection of the site with another building company it was believed that the Electric Fuse Box may need replacing and therefore asked the clerk to contact and obtain a quote in relation to this from the other company.

Cllr Limb informed that the John Woulds had a new solicitor and was collaborating with them to rectify the Land Registry information.

b.    Burial Ground
The church warden informed the Councillors that the soil from a recent internment had been left in the previous designated area which is to be a future project. The clerk relayed that she had strictly informed the undertaker that all remaining soil is to be removed from site. The Councillors asked the clerk to instruct the undertaker that this needs to be removed as soon as possible.

A plan for the future project was needed to be devised ready to obtain quotes.

Weeds were growing in the Memorial Gardens especially Anne Besant and Evison. The councillors asked the clerk to contact the Ground Maintenance contactor if they could spray these areas when next in the vicinity. In addition to include Stock Hill and the roundabout adjacent to the school.

c.    Boundary Fence between Vicarage Lane/Burial Ground
The boundary property owner had contacted the Chairman in association with the fence that bordered them and the Burial Ground making a request on how they would like the fence to be seen from their property. It was agreed that they should present their design to the Parish Council so that a quote could be obtained.

d.    Village Maintenance
i)    Noticeboards

Approval designs had been sent which was discussed earlier in the meeting. During Finance Matters as invoices had been submitted for payment, of which 50% had been requested prior to delivery.

ii)    Tress overgrowing in Amos Way 
The Chairman had been contacted by a resident and informed that the Elders were overgrowing into the boundary hedges, of which he had previous to the meeting relayed to the clerk. The clerk had contacted the Ground Maintenance Contractor to inform him of this to rectify the matter as the hedges were due to be cut in this area now that nesting season had finished.

iii)    Maintenance areas and ownership update for LCC assets
The grassed area ion the corner of Chapel Lane/A16 has encroached onto the diagonal footpath joining both areas, making it difficult for pedestrians to use. Clerk was asked to inform LCC.

e.    Play Areas
The following was discussed:
•    The bins in the play areas have been emptied.
•    A quote had been obtained in relation to the bench within the play area of Amos Way as mentioned in the recent RoSPA report to be rectified at a cost of £105. It was agreed that to accept this quote for the work to be done.
•    It was agreed to obtain quotes for galvanised collars to be fixed to the wooden play equipment to aid with preventing damage from the strimmer when the play area is being maintained.
•    The trees planted earlier in the year in the Community Park have been vandalised.

Cllr Barker relayed on the point as a parent not a councillor how much Amos Way Play Area is valued and is well used and enjoyed by the children in the village.

f.    Adoption of land in Amos Way from ELDC to Parish Council
Draft Head of Terms were needed to be approved before this matter continued.

g.    Land for Play Area at Northlands
Correspondence from The Schools Trust had been received in association with the delay in purchasing the land. The clerk informed that there had been trouble getting the required information from the Land Agent that had been instructed. As no correspondence had been received from them and following asking for recommendation from the Parish Council’s solicitor a new one had been contacted. A meeting had been scheduled with them at the end of the week to discuss the relevant matters with the subject of moving forward with the sale.

h)    Christmas Light Switch on event    
Cllr Ladds informed that a meeting with the Friends of Sibsey Free School is scheduled for the end of the month. Following discussion, it was agreed that the Parish Council would provide the required goods and services as previous years, though it was for the Friends to obtain and book an entertainer this year with the Parish Council contributing to the costs.

i.    Correspondence received
The following correspondence has been received:
•    ELDC Media Release - Popular celebration of Louth’s local food and drink producers returns this September 
•    LALC E-news 6th & 20th September 2024 
•    ELDC Media Release - Multimillion pound investment to transform local places in East Lindsey announced by District Council as part of new plan to boost growth and prosperity 
•    ELDC Media Release - Review of Council Tax Support Scheme proposes more help for vulnerable families 
•    LCC Town & Parish September 2024 newsletter 
•    ELDC Town & Parish September 2024 newsletter 
•    ELDC Media Release - Redevelopment of Skegness's historic Embassy Theatre gets underway 
•    ELDC Media Release - East Lindsey District Council extends support for community groups tackling social isolation 

a.    Discuss all planning applications currently being reviewed for consultation

Prior to this meeting no planning applications have been received for consultation.

b.    Discuss other planning matters
There were no other planning matters to discuss

c.    Report on any information received associated with Planning 
No additional information has been received associated with Planning.

a.    Village Gateways

Information relating to this has been circulated to the Parish Councillors who following discussion were in favour of this but specifications from LCC Highways were required before committing to this matter. The clerk informed that she had already contacted LCC Cllr Ashton for information and regulations associated with this but would chase him for an update.

b.    SPECS Camera
Cllr Watts relayed that he had been contacted in relation to the speeding in the village and asked if there was anything the Parish Council could do to aid with trying to rectify this matter.

The clerk was asked to contact Langriville Parish Council to enquire on how they went about obtaining their various measures to aid with speeding in the village.

Proposed waiting restrictions within the village is out for consultation. Information had previously been circulated to the councillors of which there were no objections to this proposal.

The following matters were discussed.
•    Cllr Watts relayed that Cllr Ladds and himself had attended the Sibsey Lancaster Memorial Trust Annual Service of Remembrance at the weekend.
•    Following the TPO, the trees at Sibsey House have been cut back as per specifications.

The next scheduled Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 5th November 2024 at Northlands Village Hall, Northlands, Sibsey commencing at 7pm.

There being no further business the meeting finished at 9.06pm.