September 2024 Resolved Minutes
Minutes of Sibsey Parish Council Meeting held Tuesday 3rd September 2024 atNorthlands Village Hall, Northlands, Sibsey commencing at 7.00pm
PRESENT: Cllr I Watts presiding as Chairman
Cllr G Limb Cllr A Heath Cllr J Adiotomre
ELDC Cllr N Jones (arrived at 7.06pm, left at 7.14pm)
Clerk – S Knowles
There were no members of the public present to ask any questions or make short statements to the Parish Council during the time allocated.
Cllrs Barker, Carey and Ladds have forwarded their apologies for absence of which the Parish Councillors were aware of the reasons for not attending of which it was resolved to accept these explanations.
No declarations of interest were received.
It was proposed by Cllr Watts, seconded by Cllr Limb and resolved to accept these notes as a true and accurate record and thereby signed by the Chairman.
LCC/ELDC Cllr Ashton sent his apologies for not being able to attend this evening’s meeting and forwarded the following report for the Parish Council’s information:
• Figures out for July show that LCC’s Highways team repaired nearly 8,000 potholes across Lincolnshire, which continues to prove that the extra money put into the Highways service is making a real difference now on the ground. Across four weeks of fine weather in July, Highways crews have repaired 7,906 potholes, rebuilt twenty-nine footpaths and resurfaced fifty-three more, surfaced-dressed 246 roads and resurfaced twenty-six more. Plus, seven drainage improvement schemes have been finished, 591 streetlights have been repaired and 339 tree/vegetation works programmes have been conducted.
• Internet provider Connexin has become the latest utility company to sign up to the Lincolnshire County Council Street Works Charter. The charter is an agreement by major utility companies that work in the county, to ensure minimum disruption, maximum traffic flow and a working - together ethos wherever possible. Connexin made the move to join the charter after being awarded a significant contract to bring gigabit broadband to remote areas of Lincolnshire as part of the Government’s ‘Project Gigabit’ rollout. The contract will see the company upgrade around 14,000 premises across the west of Lincolnshire in the coming months. The Charter is the work of the County Council and has been put together in a bid to cut down both the amount of time a road is closed, and the number of times different utility companies conduct work in the same spot.
• Warnings issued on binning vapes after more than sixty fires in Lincolnshire. Disposable vapes may be on the way out, but while they are still for sale, they must be recycled at your local Household Waste Recycling Centre, and not put in the bin. Waste officers and the fire service are warning of the dangers of people binning their vapes, as well as other batteries and electricals. They can all cause fires and you should never put any kind of battery, electrical or vape in any bin or bags. The warning comes after more than sixty fires were started by wrongfully discarded electronics and batteries last year at the processing plant near Grantham, where the county’s recycling is taken. There is currently a plan to stop the sale of disposable vapes by the end of 2025 – this is partly due to their effect on the environment. It is believed that up to five million disposable vapes are thrown away every week. Each of Lincolnshire’s 11 recycling centres have specific containers for vapes, batteries, and small and large electrical items. Batteries can also be taken to recycling points in most supermarkets and other shops that sell them.
Cllr Jones relayed the following:
• East Lindsey District Council have announced that they will hold a new recognition award event each year to celebrate the local community champions who make East Lindsey a great place to live, work and visit.
• Extra funding has been released to meet incredible demand from parishes, village halls and community projects in search of grants from the UKSPF and Rural England Prosperity Fund.
• At a recent Overview Committee meeting the Crime and Disorder Report was discussed.
During May 2024 nine incidents were reported on the website
One incident of Anti-social behaviour was reported on or near to Northlands Lane
One incident of Public Order was reported on or near to A16 at Northlands – Still under investigation
One incident of Anti-social behaviour was reported on or near to Goosemuck Lane
One incident of Other Crime was reported on or near to Littlemoor Lane – Still under investigation
One incident of Other Crime was reported on or near to Church Walk – Still under investigation
One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to Dorothy Close - Still under investigation
One incident of Anti-social behaviour was reported on or near to Frithville Road
One incident of Other Theft was reported on or near to A16 at High Ferry – Still under investigation
One incident of Other Theft was reported on or near to Willows Lane – Still under investigation
During June 2024 five incidents were reported on the website
Two incidents were reported on or near to Northlands Lane
1 x Anti-social Behaviour
1 x Violence and Sexual Offence - Still under investigation
One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to Dorothy Close - Still under investigation
One incident of Burglary was reported on or near to Thatchers Walk – Investigation Complete, no suspect identified
One incident of Other Crime was reported on or near to Station Road – Still under investigation
• Notification has been received that a Road Closure on the A16 Boston Road Level Crossing with be effective from 10.30pm on the 16th September 2024 until 6.30am on the 17th September 2024 and again from 10.30pm on the 17th September 2024 until 6.30am on the 18th September 2024 in relation to Level Crossing Maintenance
• Reminder that the Sibsey Lancaster Memorial Trust Annual Service of Remembrance is taking place on Sunday 29th September 2024 commencing at 2pm at the Memorial in the Field, Sibsey Northlands
a. Financial Report
Since the last meeting £2916.30 has been credited to the Treasury Account (£1694.45 Reimbursement from LCC in relation to Grass Maintenance, £1190 for Burial Ground Fees and £31.85 for reimbursement of Printer Ink from clerk’s other Parish Councils). In addition, payments of £500 to Friends of Sibsey Free School in relation to costs towards D-Day Celebration Day and £79.99 Reimbursement for Outlook 365 Annual Subscription has been made.
b. To approve payments
Payee |
Reason for payment |
Amount |
Payment method |
St Margaret’s PCC |
Approved Grant |
£945.00 |
Bank transfer |
H Vaughan |
Internal Auditor Fee |
£100.00 |
Bank transfer |
Playsafety Ltd |
Annual RoSPA Report |
£309.60 |
Bank transfer |
S Knowles |
Clerk’s Reimbursements |
£329.26 |
Bank transfer |
It was proposed by Cllr Adiotomre, seconded by Cllr Limb and resolved that these payments should be made.
a. Pymoor Lane
i) Quotes relating to work on building
One quote has been received for work to be done on the building. A meeting with an additional builder is set for an additional comparison quote before a decision is made.
ii) Sponsorship Boards
The request to display Sponsorship Boards at along the fence at Pymoor Lane’s Car Park is outside the Terms of Contract/Lease. Specifications were required such as size, what companies would be advertising/sponsoring and how many boards would be displayed? After discussion it was relayed in principle that these would be more suitable to be displayed around the edge of field.
b. Burial Ground
i) Clock Maintenance
The question was raised about if the Councillors were content with moving forward with the quote given as resolved last year for the maintenance work to be done on the Church Clock. The councillor’s relayed that they were satisfied for the work to be done.
c. Village Maintenance
i) Noticeboards
A requote was received relating to a wall mountable noticeboard. A query was raised and if the answer was as expected the options were agreed on the chosen noticeboards for both locations.
ii) Maintenance areas and ownership update for ELDC and LCC assets
Waiting for more information, therefore deferred to next meeting.
d. Play Areas
i) Review RoSPA report and matters associated with this
A sign relating to ‘No Dogs Allowed’ had already been purchased and was to be installed at Toddler Area in Community Park. Although there was signage at Amos Way the clerk was asked to purchase an additional one for displaying in this area.
ii) New Bench for Amos Way Play Area
Following the discovery that the bench in the Brick Store was not fit for purpose to be installed at Amos Way, quotes for a new one was obtained. After discussion, the Councillors agreed to which Picnic Bench they would prefer to be installed at Amos Way.
iii) Litter in Community Park
It had been reported that there was litter being left in the Community Park and not discarded in any of the Litter Bins in the area. On investigation, it was deemed that everything was satisfactory in the vicinity. Therefore, it was decided that to monitor this for the time being.
e. Adoption of land in Amos Way from ELDC to Parish Council
Deferred to next meeting.
f. Land for Play Area at Northlands
No correspondence has been received from the Land Agent in aiding moving this forward therefore it was agreed to change to another one.
g. Eastern Green Link 3 (EGL 3) and Eastern Green Link 4 (EGL 4) public consultation on early-stage proposals
Following discussion, it was agreed that the Parish Council were in objection to this proposal. Concerns were the impact this would have on the infrastructure to the area, visual impact to large structures spoiling the beauty of the countryside and the effect this would have on the health and wellbeing of residents. It was relayed that the cable option would be more preferred or even Offshore. Apprehension to the lack of specifications to form a more accurate interpretation and observations to this matter with no precise plans and information to where these would be sited.
h) National Grid Electricity Transmission – Grimsby to Walpole
The Parish Councillors object to the Environmental Impact Assessment.
i. Correspondence received
The following correspondence has been received:
• ELDC Media Release – Station Leisure & Learning Centre, Mablethorpe set to open to the public
• LALC e-news 12th & 26th July + 9th & 23rd August 2024
• LCC Highways July and September 2024 Newsletter
• ELDC Media Release – Planning applications submitted to extend visitor offer for Alford Windmill and Alford Manor House
• ELDC Media Release – East Lindsey District Council announce exciting partnership for the Campus for Future Living in Mablethorpe
• ELDC Media Release – Community Assets in the Hatton area invited to express an interest in new pilot energy efficiency scheme
• LCC Town & Parish July and August 2024 Newsletters
• Lincolnshire Minerals & Waste Local Plan preferred approach consultation
• ELDC Town & Parish July and August 2024 Newsletters
• ELDC Media Release – East Lindsey Councillors award Community Grants
• ELDC Media Release – ‘Lightwaves’ to shine a light on Sutton-on-Sea this October
• ELDC Media Release – East Lindsey District Council announce new recognition awards
• ELDC Media Release – Council calls for residents to submit nominations for new recognition awards ahead of ceremony this November
• ELDC Media Release – Have your say: Proposed extensions and amendments to Public Space Protection Orders
a. Discuss all planning applications currently being reviewed for consultation
The following planning application has been received which was circulated to the planning forum for their perusal and observations - S/152/0187/24 – Consent to Display 4 no. non illuminated double-sided free-standing signs – Millers Walk, Bembridge Way, Sibsey
The Parish Council object to this planning application. The boards are too close to the public footpath preventing pedestrians walking by and also too close the road as these have already been erected and have been in place for some time prior to the planning application.
Additional applications received as discussed earlier in the meeting:
• S/064/01147/24 – Consultation from PINS on an EIA scoping opinion on Eastern Green Link 3 and 4 – Eastern Green Link 3 and 4, Firsby Road, Great Steeping
• S/086/01190/24 – Consultation from the Planning Inspectorate on the EIA scoping oping regarding the DCO for the proposed Grimsby to Walpole project – Grimsby to Walpole Project
The above were discussed earlier in the meeting.
b. Discuss other planning matters
A TPO application 0079/24/TPA re A1 – Several Trees of Sycamore, Elm, Beech and Chestnut – Severely declining in health and structural condition, as evidenced in photographs supplied – Sibsey House, Main Road, Sibsey
The Parish Council believes that there should be an Arboricultural Report is done and submitted advising what is actually recommended to the trees before any work is undertaken.
c. Report on any information received associated with Planning
Planning application S/152/00690/24 re Listed Building Consent for Installation of a stair lift has been approved – Waytefield, Boston Road, Sibsey
Chairman asked to obtain a progress report following his meeting with LCC Highways Officer and LCC Cllr Ashton.
Cllr Adiotomre relayed that there are concerns with the visibility at Northlands Bridge and that a review of this area would be appreciated into having more appropriate signage.
Asked if the Community Speed Watch team have planned to do a speed check in Northlands as there is also speeding of vehicles in this area of the village.
It was also relayed that the footpath along the A16 from Northlands has not been stripped back and the visibility of it is getting inconsistent and safety to those who use it is a concern.
At 8.42pm it was resolved to go back to Agenda Item 7a ii as additional information had been received
The quantity of boards to be displayed had been sent to the Chairman along with the required size. After review and discussion, it was deemed that the amount and size was not appropriate especially in the requested area which still believed this was not in keeping with the nature of the area. It was resolved that the Parish Council would consent to three boards to begin with to be reviewed in the future but to be displayed around the pitch not on the fence of the car park.
At 8.47pm it was resolved to go back to agenda order
The following matters were discussed.
• The foliage around the Village Sign needs cutting back
• Village Gateways on the next agenda
• Skate Park in Community Park
The next scheduled Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 1st October 2024 at Northlands Village Hall, Northlands, Sibsey commencing at 7pm.
There being no further business the meeting finished at 8.51pm.