December 2024 Resolved Minutes

Minutes of Sibsey Parish Council Meeting held Tuesday 3rd December 2024 at Northlands Village Hall, Northlands, Sibsey commencing at 7.00pm

PRESENT:    Cllr I Watts presiding as Chairman 
Cllr G Limb         Cllr A Heath        Cllr J Ladds    
Cllr S Barker        Cllr J Adiotomre 
Clerk – S Knowles

There was one member of the public present but no questions or short statements were presented to the Parish Council during the time allocated:

No apologies or any communication had been received by Cllr Carney.

Cllrs Heath and watts declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 6b on the agenda. There were no other declarations of interest given.

It was proposed by Cllr Limb, seconded by Cllr Barker and resolved to accept these notes as a true and accurate record and thereby signed by the Chairman.

ELDC Cllr Jones sent his apologies as he is away at the time of the meeting.

Prior to this evening’s meeting no apologies had been received by LCC/ELDC Cllr Ashton or any reports forwarded for the Parish Council’s information.

According to Police.UK website:
During August 2024 twelve incidents were reported
Two incidents were reported on or near to Northlands Lane
1 x Anti-social behaviour
1 x Public Order – Still under investigation

One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to A16 Northlands - Investigation Complete, no suspect identified

Two incidents of Anti-social behaviour were reported on or near to Goosemuck Lane

One incident of Anti-social behaviour was reported on or near to Green Lane
One incident of Anti-social behaviour was reported on or near to Littleport Lane

One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to Meyers Close – Action to be taken by another organisation

One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to Frithville Road – Unable to prosecute suspect

One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to Trader Bank – Unable to prosecute suspect

Two incidents were reported on or near to the Petrol Station at Hilldyke
1 x Burglary - Investigation Complete, no suspect identified
1x Other Theft - Investigation Complete, no suspect identified

During September 2024 twelve incidents were reported
One incident of Anti-social behaviour was reported on or near to Northlands Lane

One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to A16 Northlands - Unable to prosecute suspect

Two incidents were reported on or near to the Littlemoor Lane
1 x Criminal Damage & Arson –- Investigation Complete, no suspect identified
1x Public Order - Still under investigation

One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to Green Lane - Investigation Complete, no suspect identified

One incident of Other Theft was reported on or near to Glebe Close - Still under investigation

One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to Old Main Road - Still under investigation

One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to Church Walk - Investigation Complete, no suspect identified

One incident of Anti-social behaviour was reported on or near to Community Park Frithville Road

One incident of Vehicle Crime was reported on or near to Trader Bank – Still under investigation

Two incidents were reported on or near to the Petrol Station at Hilldyke
1 x Drugs - Still under investigation
1x Other Theft - Still under investigation

During October 2024 six incidents were reported
Two incidents of Public Order were reported on or near to Northlands Lane – Still under investigation

One incident of Anti-social behaviour was reported on or near to Goosemuck Lane

One incident of Shoplifting was reported on or near to Meyers Close – Still under investigation

One incident of Vehicle Crime was reported on or near to Grange Meadows – Still under investigation

One incident of Violence and Sexual Offence was reported on or near to Manor Close - Still under investigation

At 7.15pm it was agreed to suspend the order of the agenda to discuss Speed Awareness

Cllr Watts spoke about speeding issues in the parish and his discussion with Langriville Parish Councillor about their matters in dealing with this predicament and joining with neighbouring parishes in working together to try and aid the situation.

At 7.31pm it was agreed to go back to agenda order

There was no information to report.

a.    Financial Report

Since the last meeting £2562.74 has been credited to the Treasury Account (£2000.00 associated with Burial Ground Fees, £12.74 for reimbursement of Printer Ink and £50 for reimbursement of Memorial Wreaths from clerk’s other Parish Councils and £500 from The Bears FC associated with Pymoor Lane rent). In addition, £1677.00 was paid to Signs of Cheshire Ltd in relation to 50% deposit for the new noticeboards, £80 to Friends of Sibsey Free School in regard to reimbursement for deposit of Entertainment at Christmas Light Switch on Event, £472.17 for Clerk’s Reimbursements and £3300 has also been paid to Roythorne’s Solicitors in relation to the Sibsey School Trust solicitors and seller’s agent fees for the purchase of land at Northlands.

b.    To approve payments


Reason for payment


Payment method

Signs of Cheshire

50% Balance for New Noticeboards


Bank transfer

A Heath

Reimbursement for fuel and materials re Christmas Event


Bank transfer

Edmund Czajkowski & Son

Annual Service of Church Clock


Bank transfer

S Knowles

Clerk’s Reimbursements


Bank transfer

I Watts

Reimbursement for Fireworks re Christmas Event


Bank transfer

It was proposed by Cllr Limb, seconded by Cllr Ladds and resolved that these payments should be made.

The clerk was asked to delay the payment until the  new noticeboards were be delivered.

c)    To approve budget for 2025/2026 precept
Following a Financial Forum meeting in which the 2025/2026 precept was discussed, the forum suggested increasing the new financial year’s budget and request a precept of £105,000. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Limb, seconded by Cllr Ladds to request the forum’s recommendation.

a.    Pymoor Lane
i)    Quotes relating to work on building

An additional quote had     been received. There was a substantial difference in that of the previous one obtained even with additional work quoted for. The clerk was asked to contact the previous company and ask them to requote with additional items especially as their earlier one was several weeks old, before making a final decision.

ii)    Request to contribute to defibrillator costs
The Bears had recently got a defibrillator and would like to install it outside of the building so that this would also be available to the public, therefore need a lockable cabinet to store it and thus requested a £500 contribution from the Parish Council.

The clerk informed that this would have to be requested in the format of a grant application or as this was to be placed on a Parish Council asset that they could purchase it directly. The clerk was asked to look into information relating to defibrillator cabinets.

b.    Burial Ground
i)    Report following Burial Ground Forum meeting

Following a recent Burial Ground Forum meeting matters discussed was having a Tranquillity Garden in the area behind the brick store. After discussion, the clerk was asked to obtain quotes in relation to this.

The forum members also met with the owners of the property who borders the Burial Ground and discussed the boundary fence replacement. Their request was additional to that of the Parish Council fence requirement of which the proprietors agreed they would contribute to the extra charge.

ii)    Report following Church Clock Annual Service
The Annual Service had    been done on the Church Clock of which the report stipulated additional work is required of which a quote was circulated. Furthermore, the wooden frame needed rectifying before this could be done. Since the Annual Service work on the wooden frame has been repaired.

c.    Boundary Fence between Vicarage Lane/Burial Ground (update)
This item was discussed earlier in the meeting.

d.    Village Maintenance
    This item was deferred to the next meeting.
e.    Play Areas
The following was discussed:
•    The bench prior to the meeting had not been fixed into place.
•    Some of the play equipment needs jet washing.

f.    Adoption of land in Amos Way from ELDC to Parish Council
Notification had been received from Andrew Sweeney, ELDC Housing Development Manager that he will be seeking approval for the asset transfer of Amos Way and Church Walk to Sibsey Parish Council at the meeting of the Executive Board in January 2025.

g.    Land for Play Area at Northlands
The clerk informed that the agreed Trust Fees had been paid.

h.    Christmas Light Switch on event    
The organisation of the event had been scheduled with the Friends of the School of which was taking place on Friday 6th December 2024.

i.    Review of support for Towns and Parishes across East Lindsey 
The questionnaire had been circulated to the councillors of which were discussed and answered during the meeting of which the clerk was asked to complete and forward the relevant form.

j.    Felling of Trees – Station Road
The Parish Council strongly object to this TPO. It is an iconic characteristic of the village. Associated with Sir Joseph Banks it is therefore an historical asset with visual and aesthetic amenity value and linked to the preserved view of Sibsey.

Planted long before any neighbouring buildings were ever thought of let alone built It is believed that this tree is healthy and does not need to be felled, though no actual details are in the report to differentiate otherwise and therefore understood that other mitigatory work can be done to avoid felling this valued tree.

k.    Correspondence received
The following correspondence has been received:
•    ELDC Media Release - Planning consent granted to regenerate two Alford attractions and attract new visitors to the Lincolnshire Wolds 
•    LALC e-news 4th & 18th October and 1st, 15th and 29th November 2024 
•    LCC Town & Parish October and November 2024 newsletters 
•    ELDC Town & Parish October and November 2024 newsletters 
•    ELDC Media Release  - Success in tackling waste issues on Prince George Street, Skegness 
•    LCC Highways October and November 2024 Newsletter 
•    ELDC Media Release - East Lindsey Community Ambassador Award winners: Delighted and proud 
•    ELDC Media Release - Beat Your Winter Worries with drop-in event hosted by East Lindsey District Council 
•    ELDC Media Release - Look Before You Book 
•    ELDC Media Release - New interpretation boards and gates to enhance Seacroft Marsh 

a.    Discuss all planning applications currently being reviewed for consultation

The following planning applications that have been received and perused by the Planning Forum for their observations:
i)    Planning application S/152/01541/24 – Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and erection of a 2.7m high boundary fence – 11 Besand Close, Sibsey 
The Parish Council feel the that the request for the 2.7m fence is higher than the normal requirement and query if there is any justification for it being this high.

ii)    Planning application S/152/01584/24 – Extension and alterations to existing/horticultural storage building to provide an increase in roof height and a canopy – Old Pastures, High Ferry Lane, Sibsey
There are no objections to this planning application.

iii)    Planning application S/152/01817/24 – Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation – Barton, 5 Littlemoor Lane, Sibsey
There are no objections to this planning application.

b.    Discuss other planning matters
The TPO was discussed earlier in the meeting. There were no other planning matters to discuss.

c.    Report on any information received associated with Planning 
Consent to display an advertisement has been approved for 4 no. non-illuminated double-sided free-standing signs – Millers Walk, Bembridge Way, Sibsey

a.    Village Gateways

This item was deferred to the next meeting.

Cllr Watts thanked the clerk and councillors for all their hard work during the past year and wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The next scheduled Parish Council meeting will be on Tuesday 7th January 2025at Northlands Village Hall, Northlands, Sibsey commencing at 7pm.

There being no further business the meeting finished at 9.29pm.