Resolved SPC Minutes December 2020
Minutes of Sibsey Parish Council Meeting remotely held Tuesday 1st December 2020 commencing at 7.00pm
PRESENT: Cllr I Watts presiding as Chairman
Cllr J Ladds, Cllr J Adiotomre, Cllr J Burkett, Cllr G Limb
ELDC/LCC Cllr T Ashton (left at 7.38pm)
Clerk - S Knowles
No members of the public had requested the link to attend the remote meeting.
Cllr Heath had forwarded his apologies for absence of which the Parish Councillors were aware of the reason for not attending of which it was resolved to accept this explanation.
No declarations were received.
It was proposed by Cllr Lamb, seconded by Cllr Burkett, and resolved to accept these notes as a true and accurate record and thereby signed by the Clerk to later be countersigned by the Chairman.
ELDC/LCC Cllr T Ashton reported the following:
- Believes that the public should be allowed to be present online during Council meetings, especially associated with planning as proved effective already during licensing. This is thereby going to be discussed at the next full online council meeting.
Cllr Ashton was asked as to why the recent Staples Veg Ltd planning application in respect to a removal of a condition on a formal application's decision as asked at the last Parish Council meting had not gone before the Planning Committee.
He replied that he would look into this, but feels that there may not have been enough reactions against this to do so.
Cllr Watts expressed that there is a poor service associated with planning with no further action or responses from Paul Edwards since his attendance at a previous meeting. He additionally relayed that enforcement has seemed to not have done anything over the past ten years associated with the aforementioned company. Residents have put in their own queries and concerns and are also seemed to be ignored.
Cllr Ashton said he would look into these matters.
He continued to report.
- The alliance of Boston Borough Council and East Lindsey District Council is working well, with the expertise coming from the best of both sides.
- The railway restoration application is nearly finalised.
- Devolution & Unity seems to be on the backburner at the present moment.
- Has received an indication that the Speeding review brought to Highway attention etc between Boston and Sibsey from both Sibsey and Fishtoft Parish Council is being looked into.
Cllrs Watts and Limb informed that letters have been received in association with change of dates of refuse collection as an error had been made at ELDC.
Cllr Ladds asked if there was funding avaiable to improve pavements and cyclist routes within the areas around Sibsey as they are physically dangerous to use considering that the government are encouraging that people walk and cycle more. Cllr Ashton said he would look into it but relayed that this is something that he had not much confidence in.
As per the website, fifteen incidences were reported up to the end of October 2020 which are as follows:
2 incidents of Violence and Sexual Offence on or near to Northlands Lane - Unable to prosecute suspect of one incident. This could be for several reasons, e.g., the prosecution considers there is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction. The other is still under investigation.
1 incident of Anti-social Behaviour on or near to Goosemuck Lane - No crime timeline details for anti-social behaviour.
1 incident of Anti-social Behaviour on or near to Page Close - No crime timeline details for anti-social behaviour.
1 incident of Violence and Sexual Offence on or near to Besant Close - Investigation complete; no suspect identified. There was insufficient evidence to bring anyone to justice at this time. The investigation may be reopened if more information becomes available.
1 incident of Anti-social Behaviour on or near to Amos Way - No crime timeline details for anti-social behaviour.
1 incident of Violence and Sexual Offence on or near to Dorothy Close - Unable to prosecute suspect. This could be for several reasons, e.g., the prosecution considers there is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction.
2 incidents of Anti-social Behaviour on or near to Sports Recreation Area (Community Park) - No crime timeline details for anti-social behaviour.
5 incidents of Anti-social Behaviour on or near to St Margaret's Drive - No crime timeline details for anti-social behaviour.
1 incident of Violence and Sexual Offence on or near to Sibsey Road at Hilldyke - Police are still investigating this incident.
After a conversation between the Clerk and PCSO asking if more information could be provided relating to incidents within the area. The PCSO replied "All incidents that are reported are for that specific month as stated on the website. The figures are calculated each month and no previous month's is added to the next. Due to Data Protection, no other information other than on the website can be provided to protect both the people reporting the incidents and the injured party".
She also informed "I'm not sure if you are aware, but the police are now putting information on 'NEXTDOOR' as Lincs Alert is no longer being used. There is a lot of information regarding the Sibsey area on this site, if you would like to inform and publish this to the councillors and the Sibsey community, they may find the information extremely helpful, as the police have also put out all sorts of information regarding suspicious incidents and requests".
Cllr Ladds reported that a Traffic Warden had been outside the Primary School recently talking with members of the public about parking within this vicinity, though was unaware if any had actually been ticketed.
i. Highways have informed that the 30mph speed sign near to the Level Crossing Station Road has been fixed.
ii. After contacting the Neighbourhood Services Manager at ELDC in respect to the bins being emptied with the Community Park his response was:
I've raised this matter with the team. The ltter/dog bins in Sibsey and surrounding areas are emptied on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I suspect these bins have been missed, or not emptied as regularly as they should be on the scheduled collection days.
Therefore, I have asked the teams supervisors to raise this with the operatives to ensure they are emptied and also monitor the collections in the Sibsey area to make sure the service is operating as it should.
a. Financial Report
Since the last meeting, £988 has been credited to the Treasury Account (£955 for Burial Ground Fees and £33 for Miscellaneous Fees), additionally the following payments have been made:
Payee |
Reason for payment |
Amount |
Via |
S Knowles |
Clerk’s Salary |
£1352.00 |
Bank Transfer |
b. To approve payment
Payee |
Reason for payment |
Amount |
ST Portess & Son |
Hire of safety fencing re Stockhill |
£190.08 |
PKF Littlejohn LLP |
External Auditor Fees |
£360.00 |
S Knowles |
Clerk’s Expenses |
£174.26 |
Northlands Village Hall |
2020 Room Hire |
£20.00 |
It was proposed by Cllr Limb, seconded by Cllr Burkett and resolved that these payments should be made preferably by Bank Transfer.
a. Discuss all planning applications currently being reviewed for consultation
The following planning applications were being reviewed by the Planning Forum but additionally were discuseed during the meeting:
i. Outline erection of 4 dwellings - Lulworth, Littleport Lane, Sibsey
The lane leading to this site if too narrow and feel that any additional properties in this area would be too much and not suitable for development. Anything built in this vicinity would overlook several of the properties that already back onto this site.
ii. Rear extension to existing bungalow to provide a kitchen / diner, bathroom and an en-suite on the site of existing conservatory which is to be demolished - Cumberlands, 14 Littlemore Lane, Sibsey
There was no objection to this planning application.
b. Discuss other planning matters
There were no other planning matters to discuss.
c. Report on any information received regarding Planning Applications
Section 73 application in relation to condition 2 on the imposed planning permission for the erection of a single storey welfare building, installation chiller units and a substation - Staples Vegetable Ltd, Station Farm, Station Road, Sibsey has been approved by ELDC Planning.
The condition of Station Road is getting worse. The amount of damage that is within this area is severe. Edges of the road are now starting to be non-existent and totally disappear in majority of the area. Tractors using this road often are going at least a metre onto the verge for a considerable distance just to be able to travel along it causing the impairment.
Tractors are also mounting the pavements in several areas of the village leaving tyre tracks especially along Frithville Road.
Additionally, to this the compressions along Frithville Road and Hale Lane are now beginning to be totally unbearable for road users and would be appreciated in knowing what the plans are to be done to get this rectified.
Also, it was asked to be noted that at Northlands vehicles are mounting verges and causing damage also.
a. Burial Ground
It was suggested that Annie Besant may be a suitable name for the additional new Memorial Garden, though the decision of naming it was deferred to the nexr meeting to allow for any suggestions to be given from the Primary School.
b. Bus Shelters
Cllr Watts informed that he had recently spoken again with the Insurance Company and a Claim Form would be forwarded to the clerk.
c. Village maintainence
It was reported that the clothes dumped outside the clothes bank are starting to rot away and causing an unpleasant smell.
d. Pymoor Lane
Cllr Limb reported that the clerk to John Woulds' is constantly chasing the Land Registry through the solicitors. He also suggested that a meeting would need to be convened in the New year between all the relevant parties to discuss ongoing matters.
e. Dog waste bin at Northlands
Cllr Watts reported that he had the relevant form that he would complete to get permission for the Dog waste bin to be situated at Northlands.
f. Christmas Light switch on evening
Cllr Heath has informed the clerk that the Nativity Scene will be going onto the fence at the Primary School on 18th December 2020.
Cllr Ladds informed that all the lights were up and working. She relayed that after a conversation with Mr Presgrave, that he was going to arrange through social media the lights officially being switched on in order for the pupils of Sibsey Free Primary School to see.
Cllr Ladds asked if it was alright with the Parish Council to purchase sweets for the pupils of the Primary School on this occasion due to no actual evening event occurring.
Cllr Watts said that an agreement had been made at a previous meeting that anything that was required to be purchased associated with the Christmas Light switch on evening and as this was usually something that was usually purchased for the event it was agreed that this was deemed acceptable.
g. Correspondence received
The following correspondence had been received:
- ELDC November e-messenger
- LCC Town & Parish November 2020 Newsletter
Cllr Limb brought up that the Play Areas was not on the agenda for discussion and would like to know what was going to be done in association with the broken glass within the MUGA area of the Community Park. The clerk informed that she has been in contact with Environmental Health at ELDC requesting their help in getting this area professionally cleaned.
Cllr Watts said he would contact the church to see if they would like to borrow the Parish Council's pop-up tents to help with any outside Christmas Service.
Provisional dates had been circulated among the Parish Councillors for the 2021 Parish Council meetings. It was proposed and resolved that to have a contingency plan of continuing to meet online until deemed appropriate and safe to meet in public in the new year, with the exception of no meeting being held during August to allow for both Councillors and the Clerk a break.
Therefore, the next Sibsey Parish Council meeting is scheduled to be on Tuesday 5th January 2021.
There being no further business, the meeting finished at 8.47pm.